Customer Service
If you have a question or need expert help, you can always write to the Nagad88 support team. It is available 24 hours a day and offers free advice to customers. It doesn’t matter what kind of question you have. If you need help, we will give it to you. To do this, simply contact our manager in one of the suggested ways.
The official Nagad88 website has three support email addresses that you can use for consultation. Choose the appropriate address depending on the issue you are concerned about.
General Questions: [email protected]
Marketing and advertising: [email protected]
Partners: [email protected]
Our support team responds to emails 24 hours a day, but it may take some time for an expert to review your question. To make our work easier and to speed up the response, try to formulate your request for help correctly. In the subject of the letter in a few words describe the nature of the problem, and in the text describe it in as much detail as possible. If possible and necessary, attach screenshots.
Online Chat
If you need a quick consultation, you can contact us through the online chat on the website. To do this, click on the button in the corner of the screen and send a message. In a few minutes a manager will reply and you can discuss your problem with him.